In early atheistic life, I let my thoughts wander, praying, “God, I believe you, but unable to find you among 4,300 world religions.

-There is no necessity for you to be in my native, leaving 4,299 religions around. Being limited, I cannot think of you, the unlimited. I kept my beliefs, presumptions, and interpretations aside. No matter if you are 4301th one, come to me, I want to worship you”

Good News of Salvation - Atheistic Approach, Knowing Jesus, Gospel of Christ, Joy Stephen, Bible Blog

Human Potential in Finding God:

At some point, we get to this, “Who is God? Why I'm here?”. To answer, we hold thoughts up pitching into the sky, space, planets, galaxies, and then? That's it. Null or a black-blank eternal line is what we face, and that cannot be crossed.

Brain reverts us a conscious proof that God is beyond the human thought process.

With the same human potentiality, if we both can't figure out God, who can? No one. Merely to satisfy the unfilled logic of God and creation, people are into various fascinations, imaginations, theories, beliefs, religions, doctrines, traditions, etc.

Like the marks of dinosaur foot, some incomplete supernatural acts are recorded in history. Unfortunately, most paved roads to superstition base till today. But in and among, a mighty supernatural ageless reality exists, if we realize.

Truth - The Supernatural Spine:

Truth is a single consecutive timeline of actual events, irrespective of any human proposed concepts.

Seeing a broken glass on the floor, one could say it fell as it is on the corner of the table. Another - the waiter slipped it down. But, the one who is in action with the glass at that moment only knows the true account.

God only knows how he is.

Heart confirms God’s existence, but the brain says “he is beyond”. Hence, I decided not to construct God on my own, assuming ‘n’ number of hands, heads or designing non-assured rituals. I want to know him like the way he is been before creating the first atom.

Kept moving.

Applying The Universal Filter:

In the life of 70 to 80, I cannot try all 4,300 religions, should start somewhere. May be here, — “Our brain clearly reverts us a conscious proof that God is beyond the human thought process.” 

If a human cannot cross the thought line to define God, then God stepping inside the line and revealing himself to us is the only possibility to know him.

Filtering so, Jesus Christ is the only one I found in scope, presenting himself like the way we described above — 

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” 
— John 1:14

In simple words, God came as a Man.


In the doctrine of Christianity, from creation to revelation, God started and ended everything. His very intention is to reveal, express, disclose, project himself to us, the humans. 

Leaving all interpretations like a cup on the corner and the waiter slipping it, I kept myself open to sense whether I hit the right place.

The Dive That Enlightened Me:

I found every book, chapter, the verse from the bible conveying the perception of God, from eternity past to future. It may be a command, promise, hope, love, faith, everything is a revelation to draw us closer. A double-edged sword is God's word, breaking history into two eras with solid modern evidence of fulfilling prophecies.

From the country’s administration to heart’s secrets, clean writing, stacked every natural occurrence with a definite punch.

On the go, I saw the power embedded in words, more than physical, felt spiritual goodness covering me in bliss. That sovereign power, in time, acted on situations of my life and caught me into some area of supernatural guidance.

Those were the years, I transformed by understanding the Good news of salvation or the Gospel.

The Good News of Salvation:

The heart of Christian doctrine.

God is Love, holy, and pure. He made us in his image. In time, he saw the wickedness of the human race had become great on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

Being righteous, God is angry and had to punish the fallen us. But his love for us didn’t allow him to do so rather show enormous grace. 

Let me split the good news into five sub-sections:

    1. Christ born for you
    2. Christ died for you
    3. Christ rose again for you
    4. Receive Salvation in Heart
    5. Christ is coming for you

One: Christ born for you:

God came down to earth as a flesh and submitted himself to the punishment of our sins as Christ on the cross. Bearing the wrath, paying the wages of our sins, he expressed love and forgiveness, offering each of us an eternal life under his grace.

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

- John 3:16 

 Our lives are decayed of sin. So, Christ came down to bridge the gap between God and us.

Two: Christ died for you:

Who can go to prison for my murder? Who can address the court for my crime? Not only these, once for all, Christ became a sacrifice, paying the penalty of sins of humanity. 

He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; with his stripes, we are healed. 

- Isiah 53:5

Faith is the only divine document required for us to claim the bail of forgiveness. Christ killed sin on the cross, he saved the sinner through grace.

Three: Christ Rose Again for you:

He died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

-1 Corinthians 15:4

Jesus is the resurrection and the life who had defeated the death with death. One who believes in him shall live forever.

Four: Receive Salvation in Heart:

Friend, the word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:8

That's it. Heart matters the most.

Admit your sins, iniquities and receive forgiveness and love in return. Obey him as your saviour, and he will make you a new creation from today, cleansing your heart.

Five: Christ Is Coming for you:

Christ will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 

-Revelation 1:7

Till that day, a good fight can reward us in his kingdom.

The Conclusion:

Science, theories, apologetics can have shelter only when there is someone to counter.  The spine of truth will stand one day, and the final revelation sorts out all imbalances.

I don't know if you were into Christ, if not, I assure his call and cling at the door of your heart. Don't wonder, he held the day of judgment till today just to make you read this good news. Christ suffered your sins on the cross, and he loves you to see get back to him.

I realized, believed, and redeemed. Do you? Good or bad, It's a choice of eternity.